Siendo una pieza de una belleza excepcional, fue compuesta por Franz Schubert en el año 1825, Schubert pertenece al período denominado Romántico iniciado por Beethoven. El Ave María de Schubert, posee una etérea belleza musical, personalmente la encuentro una melodía muy penetrante en mi sentir como cantante y de un equilibrio difícil de mantener entre la musicalidad y la emotividad. A pesar que su melodía sigue una línea muy austera, es muy difícil contener la endorsada pasión y devoción que Schubert puso en sus notas. Cada vez que tengo oportunidad de cantarla, es un momento sublime y único, es un canto a la devoción simbolizada por la Virgen María

Top Notes and Emotions

All singers specially tenors love to climb to the tope of register and feel powerful up there, this is a healthy part of the professional development of any singer, but do not forget this, every high note encloses a purpose in the text, and as singers we must unveiled this purpose to the audience. If we do not do this, top notes as anything else in singing become a mere circus exhibition. The circus mentality is widespread in singing, sometimes the public, the audience wants to hear the adrenaline of visceral powerful top notes from the singer, and a true singer has master the balance between interpretation, beauty and true turmoil expression. Going to high on expression and you could lack musicality, too much musicality and you could become a cold singer. Remember, the audience is not there even though they swear not, to listen your notes; they came to your recital or concert with the expectation to be emotionally connected with your tunes, so you must unleash your emotions with the excuse of been a singer.